Friday, February 29, 2008

South Africa: France wins three agreements

The visit of President Chirac in South Africa with industrial french resulted in the signing of three agreements between the two countries.

France has won three new agreements with South Africa, following the visit of President of the Republic and a delegation of French companies. The state of South Africa is facing an energy crisis of great magnitude, because of outdated facilities and a demand for energy rising sharply. To remedy these shortcomings, the South African government plans to develop new coal and the construction of a second nuclear power plant. Alstom has won a contract for the construction of a coal-fired, with a value close to the 1.36 billion euros. The contract was signed with the company and will Eskom public infrastructure of the plant based in Witbank (Northeastern). The second contract is for the French Development Agency (AFD), on the financing of wind turbines for a total of 100 million euros again with the company Eskom.

Nuclear power in the mire

The group Areva was also present, as embodied by the President of the Executive Anne Lauvergeon. The group submitted to the State of South Africa a project on the construction of 12 nuclear reactors by 2025. The French is competing with the American company Westinghouse, and two participants expect the choice of government. The french president made his motivation on this issue before a forum of businessmen and french South Africa, launching, "We will fight for the market of central coal as nuclear, because we, we like this: take everything, it is easier than taking half. " The time for Anne Lauvergeon launch: "Allow me, Mr. President, to welcome the energy that could be described as nuclear devoted to the subject," by picking up the last contract covering vocational training. The latter refers to the program developed by the government on adult education. The program aims to alleviate the shortages of skilled workers, as a result of apartheid which saw many people of African origin private skills training.


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